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Web Design

Web designers plan, create and code internet sites and web pages, many of which combine text with sounds, pictures, graphics and video clips. A web designer is responsible for creating the design and layout of a website or web pages. It and can mean working on a brand new website or updating an already existing site.Web design is the creation of websites and pages to reflect a company's brand and information and ensure a user-friendly experience. Appearance and design are incorporated as vital elements whether you're designing a website, mobile app or maintaining content on a web page.

Full Stack Development

Full-stack web development covers both front-end and back-end responsibilities. Depending on the complexity of a website, a full-stack developer may be responsible for all facets of its development, from the server side to the user interface. Many full-stack developers may still specialize in one aspect of web development, but their broad experience is useful in troubleshooting or speeding up a build or redesign. Full-stack developers are often responsible for identifying cutting-edge technologies, such as enhanced programming languages (or even no- or low-code trends) and blockchains.

Front End Development

Front-end web development is responsible for the look and feel of a website. This means how colors, type, icons, and images appear. Increasingly, front-end development has to account for how a website looks on all devices, from desktop to tablet to phone. Typical programming languages include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Front-end developers keep up with cutting-edge trends in web design and development to make sure websites are optimized for users and search engines — and with security best practices in mind.

Back End Development

Back-end web development is responsible for building and maintaining the code that runs a website. This code connects the website to the server and ensures that data flows properly to the website and that transactions are processed correctly. Typical programming languages include Java (different from JavaScript), PHP, and MySQL; newer tools include Python and Golang. Back-end web developers can keep up with changes in technology by participating in networking communities that share coding tips and support.

Recent Projects

Anti Sleep Alarm Project using Arduino IDE

The main aim of the project is to avoid accidents.

An anti-sleep alarm project using Arduino is a device that is designed to detect when a driver is falling asleep and sounds an alarm to alert them and keep them awake. The device utilizes an infrared sensor or a camera to detect the driver's eye movements, and an Arduino board to process the data and trigger the alarm when necessary. This project is important because drowsy or fatigued driving is a major cause of accidents on the roads.


website creation using HTML and CSS

Created a few projects using HTML and CSS

The site description is added to your site for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. The site description text does not appear on your site – it is used by search engines and displays in search engine results. The site description is information about your site and encourages people to visit your site.


Created AI with voice assistant

Used and some builtin modules using threading concepts

Python is a key part of AI programming languages due to the fact that it has good frameworks, such as scikit-learn-Machine Learning in Python that meets almost all requirements in this area as well as D3. js data-driven documents JS. It is among the most efficient and user-friendly tools to visualize.


Created some fun games using Python language

Coding is Love

Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn't specialized for any specific problems.


Project using Arduino

Toll Gate

What is the basic description of Arduino? Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.

this slowpoke moves

About me

Hey ! This is Aksshay Balasubramanian

I am a sophomore pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering.

I am ambitious and self driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I am not comfortable with settling, and I am always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

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Contact info


+91 7200347086

+91 7010483092






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